Sorry Jayne, had to leak it!

I am so sorry Jayne..... But when going through the manuscript/Dictionary  that Jayne is writing about our work together over the years, which I am collaborating on, I ran across the following under the letter W , and I couldn't help but sharing : 


--- Working with the work; 

1. Have the right tools or the right people. Anything done without the proper 

whatever-you-need is the bad timing in a black whole. 

2. pick two; fast, cheap, or good....

3. Be aware that absolutes are not true things, but tendencies, and roll with them.

4. Don’t suffer future pain.

5.. Materials / Work/ Altar ... Method / Material / Alchemy... Inspiration / Media / Spirit....

4. Try to know if that was the easy part or the hard part. Try to get passed it, indeed it may be all down hill from here.

5. If something is not changing you are not looking close enough.

6. Draw yourself in.

7. Paint yourself out.

...more or less...

--- working with the peers; see CRAFTSPEOPLE

 process of elimination; Making elimination a process.

Magic 1977

Right Costume, Wrong Play (Sfumato Series 2001)

I was still trying to make my living as a performer in 1977. 
Clown work, Character wave at cars, and magic shows.  Yes, really.
One night, I did a show in a conference room in the basement of a bank for a group of metaphysical devotees.  

I played it fairly straight. I was wearing a (bad) suit or tuxedo, and I presented a couple of typical tricks, and then I tried a very difficult and finicky illusion - levitating a small piece of crumpled aluminum foil in between my outstretched hands - 
Full light, audience within five feet.

And then something happened. I entered "Grazia" - I was the instrument of my magic, not the creator or seller of it. 

That little piece of aluminum foil was levitating and the room was very still and happy. 
They loved it. They believed it. They, in a way, created it through their suspension of dis-belief and allowing me to practice my craft.

The belief of magic had created those moments - 

Magic is the truest feeling you'll ever feel.

Golden Egg

I heard baby Geese have been seen at Hudson Gardens,
and several little signs that projects will be announced and Winter's work will be over soon.
Promises of golden eggs and sparkling lights
Mad dashing Summer
to reveal secrets and brighten the night
of the Fall

To all the Mother's out there
who pluck us from obscurity
and nurture us and love us 
and defend us and cry for us
smile for us, and sometimes curse us

I say for all humans everywhere - 
You are amazing. Thank you.

What Shall We Grow This Summer

Oh what should we grow?

we could grow potatoes
we could grow squash
we could grow melons
all juicy and soft

But,  'sted
let's grow some laughter
and let's grow some corn
let's grow some instruments
like tambourines and horns

Sometimes I think
we need a bite full of love
of silly antics
and innocence

Cross Section / Cross Roads

Ok, I don't know if it is just me, but I am bumping in to my past - a lot. 

As we were puttering through the French flea market (I think they call it French because is sells nice things - go figure) anyway  - puttering through an antique stall and finding an old wood weaving shuttle and and flute that I was in real need of, (really - for a project) and the purveyor asked " Are you Lonnie Hanzon?" It turned out to be an associate I worked with in the early 1980's.  
This is not just the Facebook "Finding people you never knew you lost" syndrome. I am physically and electronically visiting moments of my past. Some say it is about turning 50 - What? Do I get a visit from each year - wow - interesting.
But then is started to make sense when I heard a brilliant and funny science author on NPR. She was talking about probabilities and the Bell curve in ways that made actual sense, and even though some of what she spoke was about good and bad slimy things in our mouths and bodies, she exposed for a moment the sameness of everything and the logic of it all.
I have to admit that I am often truly astonished and perhaps even ashamed at what nut cases we are as peoples and societies. But then it made sense that we were just changing and adapting and morphing to rise to the challenges of our environment just like all the rest of the  slithy toves. 

Evolution is not finite. Duh.

Yup, its spinnin the other way!

Do not panic. Yes, I know that the
entire world we thought we trained for the first 20 , oh God its already 30 years - never mind. Anyway, What I was trying to say is that yes, everything is shifting.
Wow. Hold on. 
Everything. every thing . ever a thing. 

(Last two lines sound like, and I undoubtedly ripped off from my dear Dear friend Jayne Harnett Hargrove  - you can find her great writ, wit and with @ 
click on one of the Joan of Arc Twins on your right.

The warrior puppet was very tired. His boots were very large and heavy. He was missing buttons. His helmet was hot. He was tired of fighting.

Sooooo looking forward to warm enough weather to open the studio doors and hose out the winter.

The time is fleeting but action slow. Everyone still wearing their Winter armour.

Thoughts are hot but fingers still chilled.

Concrete Trampoline

When I read the papers these days about what to say to a friend who lost their job, or what to say and not say, I find it very foreign. - 'Don't use platitudes, stay neutral, etc... like people are going to go postal if you say "sorry" or "another opportunity will come" (which is the truth)

People in the arts seldom are afforded to "have" a job long enough to mourn it much when they "loose" it.  And if the futurists are correct, the old days of staying in one place or at one gig for life is like much of the old ways - quant and antiquated.

A career in the arts is often like a concrete trampoline - 
 buoyant on the rise and hard as hell on the decent. 

But arts are only a reflection of life, so maybe we lifer's just acknowledge and get to know the cycle a bit more, or that crazy overdose of optimism in our brains just moves us on to the next shiny thing as quickly as possible. I have also learned that strapping several pillow to your body when you are flying high is a good idea.

More than once people have said I am like the little boy digging through a pile of horse manure - when ask what he is doing, he exclaims " There's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"

Somewhere along the way, I heard Joseph Campbell say that if you really look at your life, you will see that the greatest moments are usually preceded by the worst moments. I have found this to be true, so true. So when your hurt and splatted on the concrete, remember, something really shiny is coming....

Buying Stuff

For those who know my work, you know that it is often made from hundreds of parts.
I found myself pontificating on my buying strategies the other day, so I thought I would share them.
My buying strategy has always been to buy the highest quality objects from the lowliest sellers, rather than be forced to buy the lowest quality items from the tony or high end seller. That way you often end up with a better quality at a really good price. This is the sweet spot in where you can really get credit for having a good eye. As a buyer, you want to have the best eyes in the room.

The market separates in to categories including furniture, lots and smalls. Lots, as indicated, are grouping of objects. Smalls are pieces from breadbox size down to a button.
Smalls are not difficult to find or buy. Smalls are now nationally competitive, due to E-bay. I can check market value and buy any smalls on e-bay and it makes sense.

For low end frames, curiosities, and heavy items  such as furniture obviously local. and the fewer times it has been moved or re-sold the better ( always getting as close to the Mother source as possible)

I think that remainder houses and true Estate sales have the highest quality for value. Auctions next, then booths, e-bay, co-ops, dealers & boutique.  Quality, Value & Time spent acquiring.


When I was giving one of those "go interview an artist" interviews, which usually starts with my vocal distain for the title "Artist", and my diatribe on art as service, the seeking of art, craft as art, art as medicine - which I am sure I will get back to at some point....

She asked the "If you weren't you, who would you be or what would you do for a living? " question. Since I turn 50 this year, I have decided that from now on,  all answers must be pulled from previous material, cause at this rate we ain't gonna get to the wonderful spot in act 3.... So, my new persona would be the spirit of Danny Kaye, the eye of Walt Disney and the occupation of Sugar Sculptor. I ADORED working with sugar in the recent past, and can not wait for an excuse to play with the dangerous yet magical substance again.